On 11-15 of October, representatives of 5 Moldovan universities (ASEM, AMTAP, UPSC, USEFS, UCCM) and the Ministry of Education and Science participated in the study visit, held at the University of Turku, Finland. 

During the visit, teachers and managers from Moldova communicated with experts in organizing continuing education services from 4 universities in Finland: Turku University, University of Helsinki (https: // www.helsinki.fi/en), Åbo Akademi University, Turku, University of Arts, Helsinki. Presentations by experts from Finland focused on topics such as redefining the concept of lifelong learning in the context of new realities; focusing continuing education programs on the needs and specifics of the target audience; models of organizing continuing education services applied in Finnish universities; models for financing continuing education programs, etc.

During the study visit, the representatives of Moldovan universities demonstrated some results obtained as a result of the implementation of the COMPASS project: their own models of organizing continuing education services were presented, as well as action plans, through which partner universities intend to implement development strategies. of in-service training, developed under the project under the coordination of Turku University.



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