Lead Partner

asemAcademy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) is the main public higher educational institution with economic profile in Moldova. Currently, ASEM comprises 6 faculties with 26 departments (Business Administration, General Economy and Law, Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, International Economic Relations, Finance, Accounting) two auxiliary departments, seven centers, Master School of Excellence in Economics and Business, Doctoral School, School of Tourism and Hotel Services, a business incubator and National College of Commerce.

Lifelong Learning (LLL) is an important ASEM focus, which is not implemented only part-time education, but also through the designing of flexible education pathways (short courses, trainings, schools) and direct involvement of different groups of students, especially youth from rural areas, adults. In order to support LLL development has been established the LLLCentre (C3L) which main aims are to integrate LLL model from EU countries to specific situation of Moldova, in general and to ASEM in particular; to contribute to the widening access of different groups to the ASEM`s programmes, events, to support the development of flexible educational programmes at the university level, etc

Centre for European Integration Studies of the ASEM (www.csie.ase.md) (Coordinator) which since its inception in 2009, has been involved as grant coordinator of large scale EU-funded projects (CBHE, Jean Monnet, SEE, Europe Aid, etc.).

Since the beginning of 2010, the CSIE.ASEM involved in numerous flexible educational events like Jean Monnet teaching modules, lecture series to the Summer School and PhD Colloquiums with participation of the guest professors from EU, organisation of annual large-scale international forums (up to 300 people) (e.g. TRIANGLE forum, www.triangle.md) where the LLL and employability is one of the main discussed topic

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