PC partners

Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts (AMTAP)

AMTAPAcademy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts (AMTAP) is a public institution, which has 3 faculties (Music; Theatre, Dance&Cinema; Fine Arts), covering all the areas of arts education. The total number of students is 946, professors – 402 (full time), 210 (part time). Additional, we organize a lot of educational activities and projects involving AMTAP professors, local and EU specialists. These activities are oriented on different target groups, inc. AMTAP students/professors, pupils/teachers of colleges or lyceums of arts. In 2012-2013 AMTAP offered individual vocational training programs for obtaining additional higher qualification on Conducting, Theatre directing, Instrumental interpretation (2 years, 540 hours, Diploma of additional qualification to higher education has been released). 34 leaders of the cultural institutions from the rural area have held training courses obtaining a certificate). In 2013-2014 within the Individual Continuous Vocational Training Programs we organized internships at the Symphony Conducting, Music Theater Directing. 2 persons has got an individual internship. 12 directors of public artistic events, 12 artistic directors of the cultural institutions participated. In 2014-2015 1 person has attended individual training program on Simphony conducting, while 10 persons have held training courses for the leaders of the cultural institutions from all the country. In 2015-2016 1 person has attended program on Simphony conducting.10 persons have held training courses for the leaders of the cultural institutions. 4 persons have got individual trainings (musicology, choreography, culturology).10 directors of public cultural institutions have attended the training program. In 2016-2017 3 persons (Show producing) have got a training program, getting  150 hours, 5 credits; 14 leaders of the cultural sector has got a Continuous Vocational Training Program (150 hours, 5 credits). In 2017-2018, AMTAP has been authorized to organize courses for pre-university teachers from both schools of arts, music, artistic education centres. In 2017 we organized training courses for piano teachers attended by about 100 people from Moldova and Romania. Currently, we also have 1 student who takes a retraining course in the specialty Opera directing.

University of Physical Education and Sport (USEFS)

USEFSUniversity of Physical Education and Sport (USEFS) is a state university. The mission of the State University of Physical Education and Sport is to combine education, research and innovation — a fact, which represents the way to the society and the economy of knowledge. Creating knowledge firstly through the scientific work, spreading it through education and professional training, its dissemination through physical exercise technology, as well as using the final product of motor act are the elements that define the remarkable character of our university.

P3-USEFS offers to all those willing to produce knowledge, to promote innovation or to perform in the scientific, methodical field of sport, both amateur and professional, as well as to those who would like to get Licence, Master’s, PhD or Postdoctoral studies a vivid and dynamic intellectual environment, stimulating individual achievement, team interdisciplinary work. And the latter is a fact realized through numerous scientific projects in collaboration with Moldovan Academy of Science, Universities from Iasi, Galati (Romania), as well as the National University of Physical Education and Sports from Ukraine. Thus, within the SUPES Charter, the advanced scientific research and education were assumed as two equally important parts of our University mission. Moreover, SUPES is the only specialized university in the field of physical education specialists’ training.

It can be mentioned that professional training of teachers of physical education and sport in the University dates back from 1993, the year when the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova founded the Department of Improvement and Professional Re-training of the specialists in the field of physical education and sport.

Further professional training of the teachers of physical education and sport is realized through the training courses that are scheduled for a calendar year. The teachers of physical education from various pre-university educational institutions (schools, secondary schools, high schools, vocational schools, colleges), teachers-coaches from schools and as well as sports clubs and the heads of the tourism clubs from the Republic improve their pedagogical skills during the training courses organized by the DIPR.

State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” (UPSC)

UPSCState Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”  (UPSC) is the leading educational institution of Moldova, which has its 80-year history and considerable experience in the training of teachers in the country. The mission of the university: training of highly qualified teaching staff on the national and international labor market; creating lifelong learning opportunities; preservation, development and promotion of cultural-historical national values in the context of cultural diversity.

It consists of 6 Faculties - Philology, Psychology, History and Geography, Foreign languages, Pedagogy and Informatics, Arts and Design, 25 Departments and 18 Centers that give training and trains teachers in different study programs. More than 6000 students from Moldova and abroad constitute the University's student population. The University provides different education training: Licentiate (I), Master (II) and Doctorate (III) and continuous training. It also has a department - Faculty for continuing education - for continuous training, retraining of teaching and managerial staff (change of career path). Annually, more than 2 thousand teachers from the Republic make continuous training in the faculty. It registered good results in different domains, under the implication of teaching staff in the organization of different extracurricular activities, projects, programs which had the purpose to develop the educational domain.

The teaching staff of the University consist of: 15 University Professors, 16 habilitat professors, 118 PHD, 87 Professor Assistants and 67 university lecturers. Educational process at the University is organized in full-time and part-time courses. 

The University has participated under international projects as well Tempus, Erasmus+, DAAD, AUF, AFP etc . programmer for a long time and is implementing Bologna objectives

Trade Cooperative University of Moldova (TCUM)

TCUMTrade Cooperative University of Moldova (TCUM) was established in 1993 by Government's decision. It is an accredited higher education institution, which provides research based education and unfolds the process of continuous professional formation. Since 2005 Trade Co-operative University of Moldova is implementing successfully the Bologna Process provisions, contributing to the integration of the national higher education into the European Higher Education Area.

The University is structured in 2 faculties: Business, Administration and Law and  Trade, Finance and Accounting; 4 departments, offering 8 Bachelor programs, 14 Master programs and 6 Doctoral programs. The university has a total enrolment of about 1200 students. The educational process is supported by highly qualified academic staff - about 70 professors, of which 56% are holders of scientific degrees (PhD).

The studies are organized in three levels (bachelor, master and doctoral level) based on ECTS system. The curricula and the programs are targeted to the development of professional, human, intercultural communication skills, promotion of national and world heritage.

The high quality of educational programs and the professional competences of TCUM’s academic staff have been confirmed by the recent (2017) accreditation of offered programs by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education. Also University is accredited as the organization in the field of science and innovation (2015).

TCUM paid a special attention to the continuous education. Since the establishment of the university was created the Center for professional development of the employees. TCUM offers annually about 20 professional training programs for employees from the consumer co-operatives sector (this sector has over than 160 cooperative entities, about 280 thousand members, over 6000 employees) and other sectors of the national economy.

At the same time the university is interested in studying the European experience of LLL organization in order to improve its programs, teaching methods, the organization of studies at this level.

Comrat State University (KDU)

kduComrat State University (KDU) is a dynamic Higher Education institution founded in 1991, Comrat, and Republic of Moldova. It consists of four Faculties, 12 Departments and seven Centres which provide training in 36BSc, MSc, and PhD programmes.

The university offers both full-time and part-time courses. KDU is successfully implementing the Bologna process, contributing to the integration of the higher education Republic of Moldova into the European Higher Education Area. The largest departments are the Department of Economics. Official languages of instruction at KDU are Romanian, Gagauz, and Russian. Language courses are available also in English, German, Bulgarian, Greek, French and Turkish languages.

At KDU study more the 1500 students, 10 % from which is international students (on the full bases and in frame of the projects of the student’s motilities). Also, KDU every year takes its teaching staff, the professors from Greece, Polish, USA and other country, transmitting their professional expertise on a voluntary basis. At KDU actively functioning cultural centres of EU embassies accredited in the Republic of Moldova. KDU intensively developed the international cooperation: more than 50 agreements of cooperation between Universities in the Republic of Moldova and Universities from different countries of world, allows KDU to participate actively in the implementation of innovative educational reforms, promote international cooperation in innovation and science, to develop of academic mobility on the international level.

Today the KDU is a full member of EURAS (Eurasian Universities Union). On 2010 year at Comrat State University was established  «Centre of lifelong education»  in frame of the project Tempus 144544-Tempus 1-2008-1-FR JPAES «Developpement de partenariats avec les enterprises en Moldavie», where the didactical  staff of ATU Gagauzia continue to improve their skills on a professional basis.

The National Council of Rectors of Moldova (NRCM)

NRCMThe National Council of Rectors of Moldova (NRCM) is a non-governmental organisation, which unites rectors of 26 state and private higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova. The Council is funded by its member universities in relation to their student enrolment. The Council is a forum where university rectors can discuss future challenges and propose strategies and recommendations to national public authorities in order to meet them.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova (ME)

METhe Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova (ME) is the central public administration for education in the Republic of Moldova. Its main competencies include developing strategies and promoting state policy in the educational sphere. In the period of 2014-2020 the objectives of the Ministry included focusing on improving the legal and regulatory framework in accordance with the requirements of modern society, international law and European standards; improving the quality of education by gradual transition from secondary education to academic preparation of students for life; ensuring access to quality education for all citizens of Moldova; including early education for all preschool children; developing training at all levels aimed at providing a competitive workforce with the current needs of the labour market.

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