On The 30th of June 2020, AMTAP held The online conference "LIFE LONG LEARNING: concepts, problems, solutions". The event was attended by 27 persons, all participants received a Certificate of participation. LLL has been presented via PPT. A short presentation of the COMPASS project has been made using the content of the web page www.compass-project.md as well as through explanations of the conference’ moderator. The participants talked about his experience in online teaching/training. Dr. Victoria Nikitcenko, Associate Professor, Academic Singing dep., talked about online singing lessons, the advantages and disadvantages of online education, as well as the online concert as a new art form organized with students of her class. Liubovi Struk (3rd-year student, academic singing), Mihail Bacalov (3rd-year student, composition), Bogdana Ravliuk (4th-year student, piano) told about their experience regarding online education, difficulties and proposals aimed to improve the level of online lessons. Dr.Tamara Melnic, Associate Professor, head of the General Piano section, told about online competitions in which her pupils became winners. Dr. Ecaterina Gîrbu, Associate Professor, dep. of Musicology, Composition and Jazz, talked about organizing group lessons online emphasizing that students were very active and attentive to online classes. Ala Startev and Nicolae Negru, representatives of Social Sciences and Humanities dep., talked about platforms used in the online educational process. Emilia Moraru and Ruslana Roman shared information on new trends and platforms used for LLL. Almost all the participants of the conference came with interesting and useful information, sharing with colleagues their experience in the field of online education.



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