A6.3.1. Institutional dissemination event - 16 June 2020

On June 16, 2020, within the project "TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY MODEL OF CONTINUING LEARNING IN MOLDOVA - COMPASS", the working meeting of the COMPASS university team took place with the participation of institutional managers, coordinators of continuous training programs.

The meeting participants discussed the re-evaluation of university structures from the perspective of creating lifelong learning structures (LLL) within the university. In particular, there was talk of reconceptualizing the mission, functions, directions of activity, expanding the categories of beneficiaries, and diversifying lifelong learning programs to meet the demands of the labor market.

It was proposed that the Lifelong Learning Center be restructured into a Lifelong Learning Center (CLLL), so that different categories of beneficiaries can access the lifelong learning process:

a) teachers and non-teaching staff, managerial staff from early education institutions, general and higher education system, public and private extracurricular education institutions (centers, palaces and creative houses, art schools, sports, etc.);

(b) students in higher and secondary education institutions;

(c) students in general education institutions;

(d) different professional categories of adults;

(e) other categories of learners.

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