On November 30th, 2021, took place the fourth meeting of the ERASMUS + COMPASS project Consortium, coordinated by ASEM. The consortium meeting was organized in a hybrid mode, with the physical and online involvement of the partner institutions.

During the consortium meeting, the leaders of the work packages presented the results of the implementation of the tasks provided by the project, the challenges they faced during the implementation, but also the steps to be taken in the last year of the project.

The presentations at the meeting were focused on:

  • the results of the study focused on Mapping the needs and capacities of universities in MD to develop lifelong learning services, which form the objective of the work package 1 – reported by Francesca URAS, representative of the European Network of Continuing University Education (EUCEN);
  • the level of implementation of work package 2, which provides for the development and promotion of the national legislative framework on lifelong learning - reported by Doina USACI, senior consultant in the Political Directorate of Higher Education within the Ministry of Education and Research of Moldova;
  • the stage at which the partner universities are in order to create the institutional structures and the regulatory framework (Strategies, Action Plans, Regulations, Institutional Guides) that are meant to ensure the favorable framework for the development of university services in the field of lifelong learning - reported by Timo HALTTUNEN , University of Turku, Finland, responsible for the implementation of Work Package 3;
  • the results of the implementation of the work package 4 “Increasing the institutional capacities for the implementation of the VET reform”, in which teachers were trained and guided in order to adapt university courses to the specifics of lifelong learning, but also created conditions and skills to develop a spectrum of services associated with lifelong learning – reported by Isabell GRUNDSCHOBER from Danube University in Krems, the work package leader;
  • presentation of dissemination activities and tasks related to the exploitation of project results during the 4th year of the project - Tatiana BUCOS, ASEM, project manager

During the meeting, the project coordinator Olesea SÎRBU, ASEM vice rector on international affairs, presented the general image of the project implementation results but also the key activities to be carried out by the consortium to achieve all the tasks foreseen within the project.

The project COMASS - TOWARDS EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY LIFELONG LEARNING MODEL IN MOLDOVA, reference number: 597889-EPP-1-2018-1 -MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, was selected for co-financing by the European Commission, the ERASMUS + program in 2018 and aims to achieve 4 key objectives:

  • To promote and strengthen the LLL culture in Moldova and to build national consensus of the key-actors on the development issues;
  • To develop and advance a national legislative framework and stimulate regulatory changes on LLL in Moldova;
  • To build up the university’s integrative function in Moldova through developing the integrated university LLL strategies;
  • To enhance the university’s institutional capacities in Moldova for efficient and effective implementation of LLL reform.
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